On 26 April 1945, "Hell's Belle" flew it's first combat mission against Kokubu airfield.
On the night of 19 June 1945, 123 Guam based B-29's bombed the City of Shizouka. Two of the aircraft collided and did not return with the others. This was Crew 42 of the 39th Bomb Group and the Everdon Crew from the 29th Bomb Group (VH).
This crew approx 9 missions including the last mission combat mission on Aug 14/15 Update: Crew Honor (Dec. 2014)
The crew of the "Lancer" left the Continental U.S. April 1945. They flew their first mission on Kanoya April 21. It was the first 22 missions they would fly.
Mission 11 - 25-26 May, 1945 A night incendiary raid on downtown Tokyo and nearby waterfront. The visual bomb run was made at 9,100 feet in clear weather...
Crew 45 flew 26 missions in a plane named the "City of Toledo". Their missions were as normal as most missions flown in B-29's. This Crew recieved a DFC for their part in the rescue of P-30.
It was May 29 and Yokohama was the target. Only twenty-five of the thirty-one planes sent out hit the primary target, but they aided in creating plenty of destruction. ; Recollection of a member from Crew 51 about P-46's ditching; crew photos added; Letters from the families of men who were lost to each other; MACR # 14539; Update: Crew Honor (Nov. 2008)
It was June 4 and they were alerted for a day mission to Kobe. Crew 47 was assigned deputy lead but assumed lead when "lead" didn't show.
On 22 June, this crew received the Distinguished Flying Cross as lead crew that led the entire squadron against the Mitsubishi aircraft plant at Tamashima, Japan. Update: Crew Honor (May 2011)
The "City of Cleveland, Ohio" is one of the few crews to be in the "Comics." A "One-plane Air Force" is what Sparkler Comics called the men of "Experiment Perilous." Update: Crew Honor (January 2021)
The "General Andrews" went into a violent spin and crashed into the ocean about 25 miles off the enemy coast; Replacement Crew: (originally listed on this page as "Halverston Crew" flew a total of a total of nine missions between July and September 1945;
This crew flew approx 9 missions from July - September which included the "Show of Force" mission 2 Sept 1945.
During a low-level raid on Tokyo early in May 1945, when the Japanese blew a king size hole in our left wing near the inboard engine and we lost over 300 gallons of fuel...
On 24 May 1945, the 39th flew its first of the devastating fire raids on Tokyo. Captain Paquette and his crew were one of those twenty-six lost that night; Update: Missing Air Crew Report 14490 has been added
This crew flew 8 combat missions from July 7 - Aug 8, 1945
This crew flew 9 missions between April and May 1945.
We had ten to twelve fighters make persistent attacks at our element, which was low, and to the right.
We now have a complete roster of the crew with photos. Originally only 4 Officers were know members of the crew.
They received their DFC for a Tokyo mission May 23; it was a medium altitude, night incendiary strike.
They flew lead in half of the day time missions and and complied a total of 30 missions before the end of the war. Update: Ground Crew Section added.
The crew of "City Of El Paso" crew members flew 21 missions.
They survived a chilling ordeal on May 29 while taking part in a devastating daylight incendiary attack against the City of Yokahama ....
Crew 60 trained at Clovis, New Mexico and received and checked out their plane at Smoky Hill, Salina, Kansas. On arrival at North Field, they also lost their new B-29 to another crew. They were supposedly the second replacement crew to the 39th Bomb Group.
This crew arrived on Guam about April/May 1945 and had approx 9 missions then were split up and assigned to different crews; originally listed as "Felton Crew" on this site we received a crew photo which showed then as P-61. Updated 19 April 2012
Iin June 1945 members of Crew 53 were transferred to Crew 61 with 1st Lt. S. K. Felton as Airplane Commander. By July 6 this crew was headed stateside for lead crew training.
Originally listed here as "Rainwater Crew". In recently received Historical Narratives of May 1945 written by Capt Edward S. Babbitt, Squadron Historical Officer - the Rainwater Crew was designated as Crew 62. Notations and photos in the 39th BG Association's scrapbook shows them at Pyote, Tx in 1944. EM of this crew appear on the 62nd Roster dated Sept 1945. Revised
This crew is listed on Speical Order 186 issued by HQ 314th BW 8 Aug 1945 as being in the 39th Bomb Group (VH). The crew is listed on 62nd BS Officers & EM Rosters dated Sept 45. If you have any additional information about this crew please contact us.
This crew arrived late in the war, about two or three weeks before the end of the war.
This crew is listed on Speical Order 186 issued by HQ 314th BW as being in the 39th Bomb Group (VH). This is the first mention of this crew. If you have any additional information about this crew please contact us.
This crew was lost on 10 Feb 1945 at Batista Field, Cuba due to a power stall left wing low after take-off that resulted in their B-29 plunging into the ground and bursting into flames, followed by an immediate explosion.; includes bio for 2nd Lt Pliny G. Saeger, Co-Pilot