Per the June 1945 Narrative History of the 62nd BS "members of Crew 53, which were lead by Capt K. L. Hornbeck (now up for reclassification), were transferred to Crew 61 with 1st Lt. Samuel K. Felton as Airplane Commander." In the July 1945 Narrative History it states that Crew 61 (lead by 1st S.K. Felton) left for the states 6 July 1945. Per Par 9 SO 159 HQ 314th Wing the following men were assigned TDY 30 days to Lead Crew Training at Muroc AAF, CA. Combat Missions It's unknown at this time what date in June members of Crew 53 were transferred and became "Crew 61". Mission tables in the narrative history show "Crew 61" as flying combat mission from May through July 1945. It's unknown at this time which of missions this crew as Crew 61. There were 2 missions in July 45 shown to be crew 61 missions - that were flown after this crew where to suppose to have left for Lead Crew School.