
The financial stability of the 39th Bomb Group Association relies entirely on the payment of membership dues and donations. As our numbers diminish, the need for your support grows greater. There are many reasons why you might want to consider a donation to the 39th Bomb Group Association. Perhaps you would like to make a donation in memory of a particular 39th veteran, our group has provided you information you never knew about a loved one, or to say thank you.

Donations allow our organization to research and preserve what happened during those days of 1944-45, while continuing to connect loved ones to the history of the 39th Bomb Group.

How to Donate

If you'd like to donate to the 39th Bomb Group, please send your contribution, contact information and the Veteran's name (if applicable) to our Treasurer Liz Van Kampen. You may email for more information or mail your donation to 5418 Honeysuckle Lane, Oregon, WI 53711.

Thank You to Our Donors