Crew 53 flew 9 missions from 13 April to 19 May 1945. According to the June Historical Narratives "members of Crew 53, which were lead by Capt. K. L. Hornbeck (now up for reclassification) were transferred to Crew 61 with 1st Lt. Samuel K. Felton as Airplane Commander." Per Par 9 SO 159 HQ 314th Bomb Wing this crew under the command of 1st Lt Samuel K. Felton Airplane Commander (Crew 61) were TDY (30 days) to Muroc AAF, CA for Lead Crew Training. The crew departed for the states 6 July 1945. The Historical Narratives were written by Capt Edward S. Babbit, Historical Officer, 62nd BS, the crew departed for the states on 6 July 1945.
Front Row Kneeling (Left to Right)
#5 T/Sgt Henry W. Strong, CFC