Crew 4

On April 10, 1945, the 60th Squadron faced its first major overseas accident during a practice bombing mission over the Marianas. Crew 4’s aircraft, commanded by 1st Lt. Ralph Gray, suffered a runaway propeller that broke loose and struck the fuselage, nearly splitting it in two. Despite losing most flight controls and communication, Lt. Gray managed to keep the plane airborne for about 50 minutes until he spotted a friendly convoy. He ordered the crew to bail out and stayed at the controls until he could no longer safely escape. After ensuring everyone had parachuted, he jumped and his parachute opened just before hitting the water. All but one crew member, 2nd Lt. Joseph F. Connolly, were rescued by a nearby vessel. Lt. Ralph Gray was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his exceptional airmanship and bravery. During the bailout, 2nd Lt. Donald Hedlund volunteered to navigate a dangerous tunnel to the rear of the aircraft to inform the crew to bail out. Despite adverse conditions, he helped the men through the rear door, became caught in the door, but eventually freed himself and parachuted to safety. 2nd Lt. Joseph E. Courtney also crawled through the tunnel to confirm that the rear crew had bailed out. He made a second trip through the hazardous tunnel to inform Lt. Gray before parachuting to safety and waiting for rescue. Both Lt. Hedlund and Lt. Courtney were awarded the Air Medal for their courageous actions in prioritizing the safety of their fellow crew members.

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Standing (Left to Right)
Capt Ralph T. Gray, Airplane Commander
1st Lt Donald C. Hedlund Pilot
2nd Lt Joseph F. Connolly, Navigator
1st Lt Joseph E. Courtney, Bombardier
1st Lt Edwin V. Hughes, Radar Observer
M/Sgt Leslie E. Rowe, Flight Engineer

Standing (Left to Right)
Cpl John H. Thompson, Right Gunner
S/Sgt Leo B. Sutton, Tail Gunner
T/Sgt Richard W. Robinson, CFC Gunner
Sgt Robert F. Potter, Left Gunner
S/Sgt James H. Snyder, Radio Operator

Standing (Left to Right)
Capt Ralph Gray, AC
M/Sgt Leslie Rowe, FE
Sgt Charles R. Feaster, Radio
S/Sgt James H. Snyder, Radio
F/O Francis R. Demchock, Nav.
T/Sgt Richard W. Robinson, CFC
1st Lt Edwin V. Hughes, Radar
1st Lt Joseph Courtney, Bomb
1st Lt Donald C. Hedlund, Pilot

Middle Kneeling (Left to Right)
Sgt Lee S. Horn, LG
S/Sgt Leo B. Sutton, TG
Sgt Robert F. Potter, RG
Cpl Don Jerome, Mechanic
T/Sgt George Krieger, Ground Crew Chief

Front Sitting (Left to Right)
#1 Cpl John H. Thompson, LG
Sgt Joseph A. Parker, Mech
All others are unknown ground crew