Group Aircraft Maintenance Officer
As part of an advance group of officers from 314th Wing Headquarters staff. David Pert arrived on Guam in December 1944. He served as Aircraft Maintenance Officer on the above Staff under General Thomas S. Power.
On approximately the first of May 1945, Pert was 39th Group Maintenance Officer under Colonel George Mundy. He remained in this position until October 1945, at which time he returned to the States.
Since that time David Pert has been active in his own Advertising Specialty Company which is currently publishing Indiana Basketball and Football Handbooks, A life long resident of Indianapolis, he graduated from Arsenal Technical High School and Purdue University from which he received, with honors, a degree in Mechanical Engineering.
He has been active in the Optimist Club and serves as elder in his Church. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame, serves on the Nora Community Council, and has been Precinct Committeeman for over 25 years.
David Pert and his wife, Madelyn, were married in July 1944. They have one daughter, also named Madelyn, and three grandchildren.
David M. Pert passed away 28 October 1998.