Crew 11

60th Squadron
2nd Lt Harry F. Stallings


Lt. Stallings was graduated from Grainger High School in 1935. He attended the Citadel in Charleston, S.C. and the University of North Carolina before enlisting in the National Guard. His group was called into service in 1940. He went to Trinidad, South America where he stayed 20 months. In 1942 he was transferred to the Army Air Corps and sent back to the states for training.

He received his commission and wings as an Aerial Navigator at Selma Field, Monroe, La., in June of 1944. Lt. Stallings was offered an instructors' job upon graduation but refused for overseas duty. He was assigned to a B-29 at Boca Raton Field, Florida, and served his country in the fine manner in which he was highly capable.

Lt. Stallings' commanding officer wrote home and said, "Harry's loyal devotion to duty at all times during his training and after graduation, his record and his ability were outstanding examples to the men who served with him. He was admired and respected by all the men with whom he was associated."

A friend who served with him said, "His was an unselfish life. He gave of the best he had to others - love, time, talent, energy. Whenever he found sorrow or people in need of help, he understood and tried to mitigate their suffering."

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Entered the Service from: North Carolina
Died: April 16, 1945
Missing in Action or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Honolulu Memorial
Honolulu, Hawaii