Romspert Crew

61st Squadron
2nd Lt Edward A. Romspert

Airplane Commander

I was discharged from military service in November 1945. I was released under the point system as result of spending a year in Iceland and being married with two children.

I went back to work for Food Machinery Corp where I worked when I was drafted in Jan. 1941. I represented this company in Arizona and the Southern half of Calif. setting up dealers and representing their products. Initially, I was traveling over 60,000 miles a year so I asked for relief in the form of a smaller territory. Subsequently they gave me four counties in Central Calif. I had 13 cumulative years with this company but left them in January 1950 to go to work with a farm machinery company in So. Calif. I served as General Manager and part owner for 23 years and retired from this employment in Oct. 1972.

During this period I formed a partnership with a friend Sam Norton in the orchard business. Sam and I were partners for 35 years in the culture of raising grapefruit trees. I sold out in 1995 to enter full retirement.

I was unable to establish any contact with my with my former crewmembers with the exception of Foster who lived in Louisville, Miss. My wife, Margie and I made an automobile trip to see him in the 1960's. We spent three days with him and his family. He and I had maintained contact at Christmas for about 15 years, after that meeting contact was broken as my letters were never answered.

I have lived in Hemet for over 60 years so I have left a few foot prints in the area.

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