Crew 31: 1st Replacement

Some personal memories concerning Crew 31's harrowing mission to Kobe on 11 May 1945 are recalled by Bernie Greene, the bombardier of that crew. This was their first mission. Seriously hurt by a direct flak hit and a closely pressed enemy attack while on the bomb run P-31 found itself in perilous straits with the wiring leading to the forward bomb racks destroyed. Several gashes in the casings of the 500-pound M-47 bombs testified to the seriousness of their situation. Bernie remembers a Tony bearing in from 12 o'clock level, seemingly on a collision course. He quickly picked it up in his sight and opened fire with both the upper and lower front turrets. The airplane commander swerved quickly to the right to avoid a disastrous head-on crash. As it passed under P-31's left wing it was seen to burst into flames. In the midst of continuing fighter attacks, Bombardier Greene was then ordered into the forward bomb bay to clear the hung-up bombs. Transferring his turrets to gunners in the rear, he grabbed his chest pack and stepped out onto the slippery catwalk made chillingly hazardous by the escaping hydraulic fluid. Greene struggled to keep his footing made even more difficult by the evasive maneuvers to evade the vicious attacks. Hugging the bomb racks desperately as he stared through the open bomb bays, Bernie managed to manually release the menacing bombs. Without hesitation, he scurried back to his position, breathing a temporary sigh of relief. With one engine feathered and a second pulling only half power, P-31 fought its way to the coast through deadly enemy flak and persistent fighter attacks. Scarred and crippled, it limped on toward Iwo Jima. Scarred and crippled, it did manage to land safely on Iwo with a aid of two parachutes determined to live and fight another day.

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Standing (Left to Right)
1st Lt John T. Hill, Radar
1st Lt James L. Webb, Navigator
1st Lt Rube F. "Chic" Scheider, Jr., Flight Engineer
1st Lt Henry W. Snow, Jr., Airplane Commander
1st Lt Bernard Greene, Bombardier
1st Lt Samual C. LeNeve, Pilot

Kneeling (Left to Right)
S/Sgt David C. Smith, Tail Gunner
S/Sgt Edgar A. Tuttle, CFC Gunner
S/Sgt Jack D. Tate, Left Gunner
S/Sgt Robert L. Stott, Right Gunner
S/Sgt Richard A. Wachs, Radio Operator