Crew 25: Ground Crew

Joe Fair, TG recalls 2 members of the ground crew having the last names of Stewart and a "Normbie" (sic). Listed on EM Roster dated 15 Sept 1945 is S/Sgt Edwin H. Stewart and S/Sgt George V. Nordby, however no duty or section assignment is listed. n a letter from Joe Fair, TG of Crew 25 stated that after reviewing the names of 61st Squadron ground personnel roster from the 2003-2004 Supplemental history updates he recalled that S/Sgt Edwin H. Stewart was the Crew Chief and S/Sgt George V. Nordby was a member of the ground crew; also a third name - Cpl Arnold W. Kinslow was a member of the P-25 Ground Crew.

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The men in the picture are unknown.