Crew 13

On June 26, 1945, during the Group's 32nd mission, Capt. Miranda led his crew on a daylight attack against Nagoya's arsenal complex. Accompanying him was Colonel George W. Mundy, the 39th Bomb Group Commanding Officer. After forming up just off Japan's coast, Miranda's aircraft, the "City of Galveston," was attacked by enemy fighters. Despite intense enemy fire, Capt. Miranda’s crew held their ground, and their bombardier, 1st Lt Oscar B. Price, was credited with shooting down one of the attacking planes. As the formation approached the target, they encountered increasingly thick cloud cover, causing the formation to disperse. After breaking through the clouds, Miranda's crew found themselves alone but managed to rejoin with P-13 and two other B-29s. While attacking the target at 24,000 feet, they released their bombs in unison, causing significant damage to the arsenal. However, as they turned away from Nagoya, P-13 suffered severe flak damage, including a shredded right wing and a damaged engine. Capt. Miranda and Col. Mundy struggled to keep their damaged bomber in the air. P-5, following behind, quickly dropped out of formation to protect P-13 from enemy fighters. Despite their difficulties, Capt. Miranda and Col. Mundy kept calm and continued to radio for help. When they reached the water, P-5’s co-pilot, Al Baldi, contacted a nearby rescue submarine. With P-5’s navigator calculating a new heading, they guided P-13 towards the submarine, making a crucial 90-degree turn to reach safety.

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Front Row (Left to Right)
Air Crew
1st Lt  Donald A. Gerth, Pilot
2nd Lt Waring L. Lynch, Radar Observer
S/Sgt Lowell A. Ellison, Right Gunner
Capt William F. Barthel, Navigator
Major John Miranda, Airplane Commander
Sgt Gerald Carroll, Left Gunner
1st Lt Oscar B. Price, Bombardier
S/Sgt Daniel T. Robinson, CFC Gunner
S/Sgt George L. Mantak, Flight Engineer
S/Sgt Wilbur G. Pickens, Radio Operator

Standing (Left to Right)
Submarine Officers
Ensign H. Hassenplug
Lt (jg) Bonjour
Lt J. J. Robinson, Jr.
Lt H. T. Fulton
Lt Cmdr J. E. Plummer
Cmdr Raymond Budd
Lt G. M. Murray
Esign J. Lennon
Lt G.E. Mitchel
LtR. F. Walker