Crew 1: 3rd Replacement

Crew personnel change took place after combat missions ended. AC Major Ewell K. Nold returned to the States and 1st Lt. Gordon B. Perkins followed on emergency leave. 2nd Lt Richard D. Harrison replaced Nold as AC and Christ-Janner replaced Perkins as Bombardier. This crew flew POW missions with Harrison as AC of Crew 1.

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Standing (Left to Right)
2nd Lt Robert F. Miller, Navigator
1st Lt Charles E. Gabbard, Radar Operator
2nd Lt Richard D. Harrison, Airplane Commander
1st Lt Arland Christ-Janer, Bombardier
2nd Lt Robert M. Bailey, Pilot

Kneeling (Left to Right)
Cpl Arthur P. Gergely, Left Gunner
Cpl Lawrence Montague, Tail Gunner
Cpl Junior Henry Isgar, Right Gunner
F/O Kenneth H. Welsh, Flight Enginner
S/Sgt Frank L. Wachtel, Radio Operator
S/Sgt Harvey Stulmaker, CFC Gunner